Many Hanson fans out here are disappointed. They are disappointed because of the fact that Hanson aren't coming to a their state or a nearby state. I live in Nebraska, and they aren't coming to Iowa, so the closest concert to me is in St. Louis, Missouri! That's over a hundred miles away, not only is it expensive to travel, but it is far away! :) I would like your help. Two devouted and disappointed Hanson fans have started a petition that we are hoping will help get Hanson in our home lands. You can simply help by spending five minutes to sign the petition, spread the word of the petition, post the url on websites, or just to simply listen to our cause (though we hope you sign the petition). The url is: . Thank you and remember, we would do the same by helping if you were in a similiar situation. God bless! Sincerely, Cassy Loseke
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I signed!!! Need proof? I'm number 76! Would you like to help fellow fansons? If so, it would be greatly appreciated if you would sign the petition and also tell your friends about it! AREN'T FANSONS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE FOR EACHOTHER AND HANSON IN GOOD AND BAD TIMES? YES!! SO, GO SIGN THE PETITION AND HELP OUT YOUR FELLOW FANSONS!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY AND NEVER LET THE HANSON LUV DIE!!! ~Erin~ |